International Women's Day - what does equality mean to us at AJ Products?

International Women's Day - what does equality mean to us at AJ Products?

We at AJ Products work actively to be a company where everyone is given the same opportunities to grow. That is why we want to play our part on International Women's Day and talk about our gender equality work.
Helena, AJ Products

Helena Christensen, CHRO at AJ Products.

What do you think of gender equality at AJ Products?
- We are actively working on the issue and that work extends past a policy and the statutory work with active measures. For us, it is a matter of course that AJ should be an open, inclusive and equal workplace. And equality does not only concern gender. In that work, we must also take into account other grounds for discrimination such as ethnic affiliation, gender identity, sexual orientation, belief, age and functional ability.

Embracing gender equality is about striving for a world where all people have the same rights and opportunities. It is about working to eliminate inequalities and discrimination. It is about giving women, men and people who identify as non-binary the same opportunity to make their voice heard and resources so that they can achieve their full potential and contribute to the development of society.

One must not rest in that work. It is about building and managing an open culture and helping the organization with the right tools. When a new manager starts at AJ, training in Inclusive leadership is included in the induction program. For us, it's about being clear about our expectations of you as a leader and that inclusion is a prerequisite and an opportunity! In 2023, we will roll out a training program in the form of an in-depth training for all managers. It starts with the leaders and the first step is to become aware of the inequalities and discrimination that exist in society.

Anything else that is particularly important?
- We want to help our employees combine work and family life - and especially encourage an even take of parental leave and VAB days. Because the more fathers take their share of the responsibility, the easier it will be for women to compete for jobs on equal terms. In the long run, it will hopefully lead to a culture in society where the issue of gender is not even relevant.

Is International Women's Day necessary? 
- Absolutely! It is a reminder of how people in previous generations have fought for things that we now take for granted, such as being able to vote and being able to get a job. We must not forget those sacrifices, because we are not there yet. By highlighting the issue and other issues related to inclusion, we can support and encourage individuals to break norms and follow their dreams and then together we can create a more equal world.

What does equality mean to you?



Do you want to know more about our work with social sustainability?

We strive for AJ Products to have a good corporate culture, but also ensure that the suppliers we work with follow the company's guidelines, and that we get involved by supporting various charities and associations.