Use storage boxes to make an office library

Reading books can be fun but due to work and stress many adults can find it difficult to keep up with this habit. However, reigniting the passion for reading in adults can be beneficial for businesses. According to an article in The Irish Times, workers lost as much as 86 minutes a day in offices due to distractions. Around 85% of workers surveyed were dissatisfied with their working conditions. Additionally, over 10,000 workers reported that lack of privacy at work was their number one concern (The Irish Times, 2015 ¹).
All these problems increase the dissatisfaction employees feel and could alienate them from the company. Positive encouragement such as encouraging reading amongst employees can help organisations broaden their employees’ horizons. Reading can also be a great form of escapism and can help individuals deal with stress. Hence, managers and other authorities should consider providing employees with a reading room and/or some dedicated time to read. If the office space is not sufficient for a dedicated reading room, storage boxes can be used to create a small office library. The following are a few factors to consider before creating such a library.
Types of Books
Business managers should encourage employees to read books that will give employees useful skill sets. Autobiographical books are a great way for employees to get motivated and learn valuable life lessons from someone else’s experiences. Managers should also ask employees what books they prefer reading; many people want to read books related to their job as this will help with their career progression. Classics such as To Kill a Mockingbird can also inspire deep thinking and encourage conversation with other employees. Companies could keep books stacked in plastic storage boxes in a corner to encourage employees to pick up a book and drop off their favourite ones for colleagues without taking up too much space!
Allocated Time
Managers would need to consider the time they can allocate for such an activity. Some businesses may wish to dedicate time for reading once a week or as a monthly activity. As mentioned above employees lose more than an hour every day at work to distractions. Sometimes employees require a little space to get away from open spaces and find a quite spot with some privacy. This can help employees get more focused. Creating a reading nook where employees are allowed to read every day can be helpful for both employees and organisations.
Reading can lead to a lot of conversation among colleagues. This can help with team building and collaboration. Employees who are generally quiet and do not socialise with colleagues may get inspired to strike up a conversation with a peer after seeing them read a book they enjoyed.
Perhaps the most important consideration for businesses is the difference reading can make to employee productivity. Managers can keep a track of productivity before and after reading time was allocated and check if there has been any difference in efficiency.
Companies can purchase storage solutions such as cabinets, shelving and Really Useful Boxes ® to create a small office library. One company which supplies a wide range of storage solutions is AJ Products.