Efficient Organisation of Documents and Files

With the advancement in technology, storage of files and data on computers has increased extensively but the importance of documentation cannot be underestimated. In all organisations, files and documents are still used and considered safe when compared to electronic data, which can be lost due to system faults. According to an article published by the American Forest and Paper Association (2014)¹, paper is a more secure form of documentation and communication than digital media as it requires manual monitoring, has a long shelf life and is safe from digital hacking. Important documentation within organisations may include business deals, confidential material, case studies and contracts. Safe storage of these files and documents in the office is an important consideration.
There are many types of filing and document cabinets available online at AJ Products. Companies can choose an appropriate type of cabinet for their document storing needs according to their requirements.
Click to browse our full range of storage cabinets here.
Below are some common types of filing cabinets recommended for use in any type of organisation:
- A4 filing cabinets: For the safekeeping of A4 size files, specifically designed A4 cabinets can be purchased. These cabinets come in various sizes with multiple compartment options.
- Foolscap filing cabinets: For storage of traditional foolscap suspension files, foolscap cabinets can be purchased. These cabinets come in several sizes and are available in a variety of laminate options.
- Fireproof filing cabinets: To protect important files and documents from getting damaged in the event of a fire, companies can purchase fire filing cabinets. This type of cabinet is made of fire and water resistant materials.
- Steel filing cabinets: Steel cabinets are sturdy and long-lasting. This type of cabinet is durable and thus cost-effective for businesses. Steel filing cabinets are available in several sizes and with multiple drawer options.
- Small filing cabinets: For the storage of papers, files and invoices in offices with space constraints, small filing cabinets with multiple drawers are a good option.
AJ Products has a diverse range of filing cabinets available on their website. We have been designing, manufacturing and delivering quality products for decades and have a good reputation in the industry. From regular steel filing cabinets to fire proof filing cabinets, AJ Products has a great range of office storage to suit all types of requirements.