Office interiors are instrumental in creating a strong image

Show the type of company you want to be
The fact that many people now work from home several days a week does not mean the end of the office itself or of office culture. On the contrary, physical meeting places are needed to receive clients in space representative of the business as well as to enhance company culture and boost interaction between colleagues. An investment in your office space is an investment in both the business and its employees.For the best results, the office space should reflect the company's personality. So before you change anything, you need to ask yourself what type of a company you want to be. What message do you want visitors and employees to take away with them?

Ensure the office space matches the business
Are you an idea-driven or technology-focused company? Do you work with safety, trade or manufacturing? These examples conjure images of a certain type of workspace, don't they? So start by focusing on your business and the qualities that make your company unique. Remember to keep a consistent style for best results.Some tips: Do you tend to think out of the box? Apply that to your office furniture too. For a sense of fun and frivolity, choose colourful walls or perhaps a colourful floor, furniture in exciting shapes and an open floorplan with notice boards or even full walls on which you can display current projects. If you want to convey seriousness and trust, a calm and subdued colour scheme works best. Carpets, curtains and comfortable soft seating will give a safe and snug feeling. Do you want the workspace to reflect your environmental efforts as well? Focus on natural materials, green plants and sustainable furniture.
Create a uniform and inviting style
Do you have a graphic profile with guidelines on how the company should be represented in different contexts, for example on your website or in ads? Then that will give you a good starting point for your office interiors too. By using the same colour scheme and design language, you create recognition and continuity. Generally nothing extravagant is needed. Co-ordinated furniture and textiles, comfortable lighting and fresh plants go a long way to providing a good first impression and creating an inviting environment to which people will want to return.
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Build pride and a strong identity
Having an office that impresses customers is important, but even more vital is to create a workplace that supports employee wellbeing and where staff can thrive. Physical surroundings can have an impact on physical health, mental health and behaviour. By making conscious choices in office layout and furniture, you can create the best conditions to boost both employee wellbeing and productivity. Interiors that match the company's personality and culture also enhance a feeling of pride and belonging within the company, which means that talented members of the team are happy to stay.
What’s more, a well-designed office environment works as a magnet that attracts new talent to the company. Investing in improving the office and the daily lives of its employees is an investment that always pays off.
Find out how your office can improve employee engagement