Creating a safer modern work environment

Dangers in the workplace can present themselves in many forms. Data security, mental wellbeing and physical injury all need to be addressed in order to ensure the safety of employees and in this article we look into ways in which you can do this.
Noise can be a big problem
Working researcher Susanna Toivanen studies the relationship between work and health in the workplace. She believes that there are many unidentified risks that must be considered when planning new offices.
"One factor that affects the health of employees, and is too easily forgotten, is noise. This despite the fact that research shows that noise alone may be the biggest problem in an office landscape" says Susanna.
There are many modern solutions to reduce the noise level in the workplace: sound absorbent panels and noise barriers/screens for example.
"Noise barriers could shield employees and equipment, thus dampening sounds levels. This type of screen has been around a long time, but they have become more and more popular with the raised awareness of safe and secure working environments" says Henrik Lindén, Product Manager at AJ Products.
Greater focus on protection
A trend in the market right now is the increased focus on mobile barriers and protective equipment.
"Office and industrial environments are becoming more and more mobile and it is therefore necessary to protect your equipment accordingly. There are many products to improve your protection level and we would be very happy to provide a consultation if you would like more information" says John, Field Manager at AJ Products.
Generally, it is important for everyone in the workplace to take responsibility for their environment, not just rely on a safety officer. Dangerous machinery or equipment should be clearly marked with hazard warning tape. Slippery surfaces on floors and stairs should be equipped with anti-slip surfaces and sharp or protruding objects should be covered so employees can’t bump their heads on them.
"You have to get all employees to feel responsible for their work environment. This is done through a dedicated and motivated workforce. A good corporate culture sets the foundation" John summarises.
We’ve also invited Jonas Grabe of Veldoen Consultants to give us his best 3 tips on the modern working environment.
Jonas says that we must start with the individual's needs in order to create a secure workplace.
"Everyone is different and has different needs, which means that there is no one solution that works for every person and every workplace".