neurodiverse friendly classroom

Furniture for Neurodiverse Friendly Classrooms

Understanding the diverse needs of students in various learning environments, we at AJ Products are dedicated to crafting workspaces tailored to accommodate neurodiversity in schools. Our efforts extend beyond aiding individuals with neurodivergent diagnoses to enhancing overall school environments, fostering inclusivity and creating spaces conducive to learning for all students.

What is neurodiversity?

Neurodivergent or Neurodiversity is a collective name for adhd, add, various autism spectrum conditions, Tourette's syndrome and language disorders such as dyslexia. It is a popular term that's used to describe differences in the way people's brains work. The idea is that there's no “correct” way for the brain to work. Instead, there is a wide range of ways that people perceive and respond to the world, and these differences are to be embraced and encouraged.

Furnishing for neurodiverse students:

  • Create a quieter environment: Implement sound-absorbing materials to diminish noise and chatter, both within and outside the classroom. Consider earmuffs as valuable tools for complete noise reduction to enhance focus during lessons.
  • Provide Individual Workstations: For some students, working independently proves beneficial for concentration. Individual desks with screens minimize distractions from classmates and create a secure learning atmosphere.
  • Introduce Sensory Tools: From stress-relief toys to balance boards and foot swings, incorporating sensory aids provides children with an outlet for energy without disrupting others.
  • Incorporate Soft Furnishings:Offer alternative seating options such as comfortable armchairs or bean bags, as some students may find it easier to focus away from traditional desks. Additionally, sofas and soft materials in the classroom contribute to noise reduction.

We can help you adapt your classroom -

We have a dedicated team of experts who are happy to be of service. Are you looking for inspiration or want help? Contact us!