The importance of doing business in the right way with an eye on the future

People talking at a conference room table

Business ethics and anti-corruption

It is of utmost importance for us to conduct business responsibly and legally, and we reject all forms of corruption. Our code of conduct, applicable to all employees within the AJ Group, provides clear guidelines on how our operations should be conducted.

To ensure sound business ethics in our supply chain, all suppliers and subcontractors of the AJ Group are required to adhere to our strict requirements and guidelines on social responsibility, sustainable development and business ethics, as well as the principles outlined in the UN Global Compact.


Sustainability work and governance

Ten sustainability issues form the basis of our sustainability work and have been selected to clarify our focus going forward. With the help of management systems and digital tools, we can put the right processes in place and systematically collect information. For the collection of sustainability data, we use a platform from Position Green, which supports us in reporting, tracking and analysis.

We see expanding our collaborations as an essential part of our sustainability work. Through participation in networks, we can exchange experiences and receive support. AJ Products is a member of the EMC and RISE Chemical Group networks and sits as a representative on Möbelfakta's criteria council, as well as participating in SIS Technical Committee.

Important collaborations – networks and memberships

Position green logo

Position Green

Position Green is a platform for measuring and monitoring sustainability data. Our collaboration with Position Green contributes to the development of our sustainability work and reporting.

RISE chemical group logo

RISE Chemicals Group

A network and knowledge platform run by RISE. This network provides us, as a company, with global monitoring, tools and knowledge exchange on chemical and environmental issues related to products and production.

Network for Electromagnetic Compatibility logo

Network for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

Membership of the EMC sustainability network contributes to skills development and the exchange of experiences within sustainable business development.

Möbelfakta logo

Möbelfakta's criteria council

AJ Products sits as a representative on Möbelfakta's criteria council. The council's task is to ensure that Möbelfakta's criteria are relevant, up-to-date and aligned with ISO 14024.

Swedish Institute for Standards Technical Committee logo

SIS Technical committee

By participating in the SIS (Swedish Institute for Standards) Technical Committee, we gain early insights into emerging standards.

For more information on how we measure and address our impact in each area of sustainability, you can read our Sustainability Report.
Front cover of sustainability report brochure

Read our complete sustainability report for 2023

Every year we analyse the key sustainability areas across our entire organisation, including our offices, warehouses, factories, and subsidiaries throughout Europe.