Take a break and stretch together!
Avoid Strain Injuries
It's important to take active breaks at work, no matter how tempting the couch in the break room may seem. Jobs that require heavy lifting and lots of walking and standing, like those in a warehouse, often lead to tired legs and back pain. Long days at the office also wear on the body. A daily office stretch session with your work buddies is a fun way to counteract strain injuries caused by sedentary work.
Painkillers and power-naps may seem like easy solutions but are only temporary. Doing planned stretching exercises or other activities that keep blood circulation going and soften muscles and joints is better medicine. In addition to reducing the risk of permanent damage, you'll get extra energy and a better mood.
Learn more about ergonomics
Strengthen each other
Plan joint stretching sessions in agreement with your coworkers. Make it a fun activity that everyone at work can participate in if they want. This can lead to stronger work relationships and better teamwork. Plus, you can remind each other - together, you can achieve much more!
How often should you stretch?
Do the exercises that suit you and your colleagues. Vary according to which muscles and joints you've strained the most. Keep in mind that all bodies are different. Don't push yourself too hard. Stretching shouldn't hurt. After some practice, your muscles will become more flexible. If you have any injuries or pain in your body, consult your doctor before starting a daily stretching routine.
Shoulder Stretch
- Stand with your legs hip-width apart. This is important for standing steady and straight in the back.
- Extend your arms in front of your body at shoulder height. Your palms should be angled toward each other.
- Slowly pull one arm back by opening the space in front of you. You should feel your shoulder blades being pressed together. Avoid tensing your shoulders; you should be relaxed.
- Bring your arm back in front of your body and let your hands meet. Round your back and separate your shoulder blades.
- Repeat.
- Try to stretch out properly in both directions.
Back stretch
- Stand with your legs hip-width apart.
- Clasp your hands above your head.
- Bend your upper body to the side in a straight motion. Arms and upper body first bend to the right. Then the hip bends to the left while your right knee bends slightly forward. Then bend arms and upper body to the left. Then the hip bends to the right while your left knee bends forward.
- Repeat.
Hip flexor stretch
- Stand with your feet close together. Take a big step back with your left leg and sink down. Don't let your knee touch the ground.
- Keep your right leg bent at a 90-degree angle. Stretch out your hip. Stay in the outer position for 5-10 deep breaths.
- Repeat with the other leg.
Thigh Stretch
- Start by standing on your knees. Place one leg in front of your body at a 90-degree angle.
- Twist your upper body and grab your back foot. Lift it towards you.
- Put your weight on the leg that's at a 90-degree angle so that you feel the stretch in the thigh muscles of the leg whose foot you are holding. Lean forward more if you don't feel a difference.
- Stay in the outer position for 5-10 deep breaths.
- Repeat with the other leg.
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